A Gray Day

Days Bike Commuting: 8

A gray morning at the PSO power plant.

I realize that accounting for my time spent commuting in days is a little odd, most people do it with miles ridden. Google Maps is mean to me when I try to plot my route, and the cycle computer thing that came with my bike is broken, so tough cookies. All you get to know is how many times I have decided to toodle along on my bike instead of in my car.

I say toodle because I am not very fast. I often stop to take pictures of things I find interesting. There is one stretch of trail that I coast slowly through each morning because it is always full of birds singing and flitting about, and it’s just a nice way to start the day.

My favorite section of trail.

Today was a gray day though. Even in my windowless office domicile, I could tell that it was oppressively overcast and spluttering precipitation. Which reminds me of a beef I have with one of my iPhone apps. I downloaded this app called “Weather+” specifically because (1) it was free and (2) you could see an hour-by-hour forecast of the day ahead. This is invaluable to me as a bike commuter in the fickle Oklahoma weather. Just because the overall forecast for the day calls for 56 and sunny doesn’t mean that it will be that way all day. If there is going to be a thunderstorm at 5 pm when I’m on my way home, I’d like to know about it. Anyway, being the stupid sheep that I am, I updated the app when it said there was a new version. But they took away my hourly play-by-play! Now I have to pay for the privilege of knowing if I am going to be struck by freak lightening or caught in a late-forecast blizzard as I toodle home at the end of the day. So this morning I left for work without even really considering there might be a chance for afternoon showers, and guess what happened? Thanks, Weather+. (More like Weather-!) Nevermind the fact that the rain moved through before it was time for me to leave for the day. I’m still mad at you. Suggestions for another awesome, free weather app with similar features are welcome.

Today’s bike commuter count was only 2. I guess everyone else figured out the afternoon showers thing and didn’t want to risk the chance of getting caught in a downpour.

Another bleh thing about today was the lack of the traditional weekly pilgrimage my coworkers and I make to Mod’s Cafe and Crepes for gelato. They must put crack in the gelato when they make it, because I am certainly addicted. I think my favorite flavor so far has been Andes Mint. Or maybe the Mixed Berry? Hmmm… the point is that you should go if you haven’t been. The turkey cranberry crepe is also delightful. As one of my friends pointed out, it’s like Thanksgiving in crepe form. (I guess this is a natural association to make, but I’ve never been big on the turkey+cranberry combo at Thanksgiving, so I completely missed the connection. They probably did that on purpose though.)

Alright, my Weather+ is telling me that tomorrow will be sunny. Fingers crossed!

My bike is also looking forward to the warmer weather.

About shannonbikes

Shannon Bikes- and fills you in on her foibles as a newbie bicycle commuter. Follow along as she proves that you don't have to be a triathlete or a spandex warrior to ride your bike to work.
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